MatrizPIX is an information system conceived by the Museus e Monumentos de Portugal (Museus e Monumentos de Portugal – MMP for the inventory, management and on-line presentation of photographic archives.
Its front office or web interface allows the search of that digital database, as well as the selection and direct request of
images to MMP’s Archive of Photographic Documentation (APD/MMP).
MatrizPIX’s backoffice is used for the inventory and management of images and archives, either digital or analog,
including photographic documentation within invisible spectrum used for research in works of art, such as radiography,
infrared reflectography and ultraviolet fluorescence.
MatrizPIX’s backoffice is also used for the detailed management of photo archives, such as its conservation requirements,
use of the images for research, exhibition and publishing purposes, accessioning and deaccessioning,
and copyright management.